6th October 2024
Prof. Marco Formentini, Prof. Nikola Suzic and Prof. Alberto Nucciarelli & their great team from the University of Trento/Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science hosted the fully integrated 4th EurOMA CEE Research Network Workshop 2024 and 17th EPIEM Conference 2024 in Trento from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2024.

EPIEM would like to thank the organising team and all participants, discussants, speakers and presenters. EPIEM is already looking forward to meeting all of you and future collaborators at the 18th EPIEM Conference at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano in 2025.

26th September 2024
The second meeting of the SAFECORNER Project was hosted by the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences, Graz University of Technology). With colleagues from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Belgrade) the current status of the project as well as the next steps were discussed. 

2nd September 2024
The FUTURE-BME 2024 International Scientific Conference, organized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (Serbia), on the topic: “Forging the Future – Pioneering Approaches in Business, Management, and Economic Engineering to Overcome Emerging Global Challenges” will be held on October 30-31, 2024. This conference is envisioned as a premier event in the fields of management, business, economic engineering, and related scientific disciplines. This conference is dedicated to exploring contemporary issues and challenges in these dynamic fields through an interdisciplinary lens. Over 200 authors will contribute to the conference with nearly 140 abstracts/papers from over 20 different countries. More details about the conference can be found here.

1st August 2024
The University of Minho (Portugal) hosted the special event Cross Cultural Engineering Project which was organized by Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan). The goal was to foster an environment of mutual learning and cultural exchange. The engaged discussions, collaborative activities, and the opportunity to build lasting connections were achieved between students from Portugal, Japan, and Thailand (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi). The students unique perspectives and expertise greatly contributed to the success of this event, promoting an enjoyable time.

10th Mai 2024
The EPIEM’s professors Erwin Rauch and Bernd M. Zunk are collaborating with the coordinator Prof. Dominik Matt (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano) and Dean Prof. Franz Haas (Graz University of Technology) within the international SME 5.0 MSCA project “A strategic roadmap towards the next level of intelligent, sustainable and human-centred SMEs”. From May 8 to May 10 the entire project consortium met at the Faculty of Engineering of the L´Universitá ta Malta and was hosted by EPIEM member Prof. Ing. Emmanuel Francalanza and Dean Prof. Ing. Andrew Sammut. For more information please visit: https://sme50.eu/.

2nd Mai 2024
Call for Papers for the 17th EPIEM Conference on the topic: Challenges for Industrial Engineering and Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. The conference will be held at the University of Trento (Italy) on October 2-4, 2024. We invite you to submit your paper(s) and find more details on the conference website.

1st April 2024
Unlock the Future of Engineering Education 5.0: Submit your research on Students Life-Cycle Learning to our open track. Join us in revolutionizing work processes, fostering innovation, and addressing global challenges. Further information about the conference can be found here.

18th March 2024
The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) event, focusing on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing – Quality Management, was held from March 11 to 15 2024 at ISEP in Porto and co-organized by EPIEM. The program included courses and workshops on latest technologies and sustainability, design, collaborative robotics, advanced OPEX tools, industrial marketing, and automation. Further information can be found here.

17th February 2024
On the occasion of the ISM 2024 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Prague (Czech Republic) from 13-15 November 2024, IEM Researchers around a team of Graz University of Technology will resume work on future engineering competences and their impact on individual performance. More information about the conference can be found here.

14th February 2024
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Maribor and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences of the Graz University of Technology have met to discuss further opportunities for cooperation in various future-oriented fields. The deans of the two faculties have committed to identifying further potential to deepen the fruitful cooperation that already exists.

15th January 2024
The inter-university EPIEM research design seminar on “Conference Poster and Paper: Creating and Writing in Academic English” took place on the 15th January 2024 at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at TU Graz. This intensive, practice-based workshop provided the participants with strategies and tools to prepare, create and revise poster and conference paper in English more efficiently and effectively.  Herewith EPIEM wants to thank Dr. Sara Crockett for delivering this great seminar and to all participants for joining! We hope to see you again at one of our EPIEM events in the future!

18th December 2023
The 9th International Conference on New Business Models organized by Mondragon University, Faculty of Engineering will take place in Donostia/San Sebastian from the 3.- 5. July 2024. The organisers invite you to this world-class event, which will bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the field of new business models and their sustainability.

6th December 2023
The inter-university EPIEM research design seminar on “How to be Effective in Answering to Reviewers” took place on the 6th November 2023 at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at TU Graz and dealt with the review process, strategies for effective responses, communication and tips for revising the manuscripts. Many thanks to Radu Godina from Nova School of Science and Technology (Nova University Lisbon) and to all participants for the great and enriching discussions!

27th & 28th November 2023
The 5th workshop of the EU-funded project Design4SusMan was hosted by the National University of Science and Tehnology Politehnica Bucharest (ROM). During the workshop, the Design4SusMan partners, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT), Graz University of Technology (AUT), Polytechnic of Porto / School of Engineering do Porto (PT) and National University of Science and Tehnology Politehnica Bucharest (ROM), discussed joint financial execution procedures and promotion strategies for a two-year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing. The aim of the programme is to train students in the fields of mechanical, manufacturing and management engineering, preparing them to address the major challenges that EU is currently facing.

20th November 2023
The inter-university EPIEM research design seminar on “Systematic planning and implementation of dissertation projects” took place on the 17th November 2023 at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at TU Graz and dealt with the planning, success factors and (possible) risks during a dissertation process. Many thanks to Priv.-Doz. Dr. Manuel Woschank from Montanuniversität Leoben and to all participants for the great and enriching discussions!

16th November 2023
EPIEM invites you to the upcoming HEICE Workshop, “Schritt für Schritt zum innovativen Unternehmertum an Hochschulen: Erfolgsfaktoren und Umsetzung.” This workshop is designed to offer valuable insights and knowledge that will be highly beneficial for those interested in the field of innovative entrepreneurship. Join the workshop for an enriching experience on November 29th.

5th November 2023
On December 7, 2023 the 9th LIMEN Conference will take place at Graz University of Technology. EPIEM as a part of conference consortia is looking forward to active participation and numerous submissions. More information can be found here.

19th October 2023
EPIEM wants to thank the organizers of the IS’23 Conference at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad for integrating the 16th EPIEM Conference in their great program. Many thanks also to all participants and supporters. You made the event a great success! More details about the conference you may find HERE.

17th October 2023
The Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at the Graz University of Technology is hring a University Assistant (40 hours/week | starting from December 1, 2023).
This position is limited to 5 years and encompasses both teaching responsibilities and active participation in cutting-edge research projects. Furthermore, there is an option for pursuing a doctoral degree! The application deadline is November 15, 2023. For further details please klick here.

2nd & 3rd October 2023
Several EPIEM Professors took part in the kickoff meeting of the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M (Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain) project, which was held at Montanuniversität Leoben.
The EU-funded Centre of Excellence “EE4M” project will focus on the growing need for the education and training of engineers in the field of smart/digital and sustainable operations management  in the value chain of the entire mobility sector – from raw materials to recycling. Over the next four years, a consortium of 15 full partners and 35 associated partners from research, industry, and education from four countries (Austria, Italy, Spain, and Greece) will focus on the competence-based reorientation of engineering education. Further information about the project can be found here.

18th September 2023
In the scope of the 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, focus group discussions will take place, where Graz University of Technology will resume work on future engineering competences and their impact on individual and organisational performance. The aim of focus group discussions is to derive teaching and learning implications for further development of needed competences of engineering students as well as organisational and managerial implications for human resource management practices that can further enhance organisational performance. Experts from research, academia, and industry are cordially invited to join the focus groups to share their experiences, ideas, and methods. More information about the conference can be found here.

15th September 2023
Rudolf Grünbichler from the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology at Graz University of Technology visited together with Eng. Sergio Salimbeni from the University Del Salvador (USAL) in Buenos Aires the company YKK in the industrial park of Pilar on Tuesday 12 September. The company’s area managers were present: Silvia Ortega, Enzo Sosa, Emilio Domínguez, Lorena Nokubi and Nicolás Barrionuevo. The meeting was accompanied by a representative of the Business Chamber of the Industrial Park, Eng. Tomás Tamaki. During the meeting, different aspects related to the adoption of Artificial Intelligence for the improvement of industrial processes were evaluated. After the meeting, a tour of the plant was carried out, evaluating the different possibilities of obtaining data for subsequent analysis and operational excellence. The visit is part of the international Marie-Curie SME5.0 project. Further information about the project can be found here.

30th August 2023
Rudolf Grünbichler (Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology) has arrived at Universidad Del Salvador (USAL) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During his stay, he is working on the SME 5.0 research project (funded by the European Union) on work package 4.1 with the topic of requirements and barriers of artificial intelligence for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The SME 5.0 project is dedicated to developing a strategic roadmap to increase the competitiveness of SMEs in the areas of artificial intelligence, sustainability and human-centred approach. Together with Argentinean colleagues, the theoretical foundations are being laid and initial interviews conducted. Further information about the project can be found here. In addition, he holds seminars on artificial intelligence for Argentinean students.

22th August 2023
Marco Berger (University Assistant – Graz University of Technology) has arrived at Chiang Mai University (CMU) in Thailand. In the upcoming weeks, Marco Berger is going to teach CMU students and visit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Chiang Mai area. Additionally, within the scope of the research project SME 5.0 (funded by the European Union), he is going to carry out an investigation focused on the topic of “Skill Barriers for Future Work in SMEs”. The SME 5.0 project is dedicated to crafting a strategic roadmap aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs in the realms of artificial intelligence, sustainability, and a human-centric approach. Further information about the project can be found here.

28th June 2023
The 3rd Workshop of the EU-funded project “Design4SusMan” was hosted by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. There, the project partner institutions (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Politehnica University of Bucharest and Graz University of Technology) analysed and discussed joint didactic, administrative, and financial programme execution procedures for a 2-year joint Erasmus Mundus Master on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing

15th June 2023
Freshmen students of Anabela Alves, 2022/23 Coordinator of the Integrated Project in Industrial Engineering and Management from Industrial Engineering and Management Bachelor’s program of University of Minho won the ACA Innovation Student Challenge. Their winning idea involved developing a sustainable brick using discarded clothing, aligning with the principles of a circular economy.

6th June 2023
EPIEM research project news: Prof. Bernd M. Zunk, together with the TU Graz team led by Prof. Stefan Vorbach and their international project consortium, has received funding approval for the EIT-HEI project HEICE. The aim of this project is to develop innovative deep-tech talent programs with a focus on the fields of health and production.

11th May 2023
The EPIEM collaborators Manuel Woschank, Corina Pacher, Erwin Rauch, Jabier Retegi & Bernd M. Zunk et al. have received a funding commitment for the establishment of a “Centre of Vocational Excellence” that will focus on the future training of engineers in operations management in the mobility sector (“EE4M”). More information can be found HERE.

1st April 2023
Advance notice: Our EPIEM Research Design Seminars & Workshops will take place again in the winter semester of 2023/24. Updates and details can be found HERE.

24th March 2023
The second workshop of the EU-funded project „Design4SusMan” was hosted by TU Graz / the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology. This workshop focused on potential structures for designing a joint Erasmus Mundus Master Program on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing between the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT), Graz University of Technology (AUT), Polytechnic of Porto (PT) as well as the Politehnica of Bucharest (ROM).

9th March 2023
Call for Papers for the “16th EPIEM Conference 2023 embedded in the program of the 19th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems (IS’23)” to be held at the University of Novi Sad / Faculty of Technical Sciences on October 4.-6. 2023. Details you may find HERE.

4th February 2023
The EPIEM Network is more than happy to cooperate with international universities and industry representatives within the EU-funded MSCA project “SME5.0 – A Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centered SMEs”, coordinated by Prof. Erwin Rauch from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, one of our EPIEM Professors. After the very successful kick-off meeting at KTH Stockholm, we are looking forward to proactive cooperation in a great international network in the next 48 months. Further information can be found HERE.

2nd February 2023
The 5th edition of the ISM conference will be held on November 22-24, 2023 in Lisbon and is co-organized with ISCTE and NOVA School of Science and Technology. The conference aims to bring together researchers and experts to create an international network of smart and advanced manufacturing.

1st February 2023
The Inter-University Research Seminar on “Contemporary Empirical Research Methods: An Overview” was successfully held on the 27th of January 2023. Herewith EPIEM wants to thank Dr. Klaas Stek for delivering this great seminar! We hope to see you again at one of our EPIEM events in the future!

17th January 2023
The Inter-University Research Seminar on “How to write a Conference Paper: A Basic Guide” was successfully held on the 16th of January 2023. Herewith EPIEM wants to thank Dr. Sara Crockett for delivering this great seminar! We hope to see you again at one of our EPIEM events in the future!